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Simplify Your Life - Adaptogenics

August 03, 2018

One of the biggest buzzwords in health and wellness is adaptogens. Across Los Angeles, we’re seeing wellness shops sell adaptogenic elixirs and tonic shots. Wellness experts, celebrities and even our favorite influencers point to incorporating adaptogens into their daily routine as their key to living well and vibing at a higher energy. But what exactly are adaptogens?


The word adaptogen is a relatively new word, first coined in the 1940s and formally defined in the 1960s. The formal definition states that adaptogens are safe, non-toxic botanicals and fungi that produce a nonspecific response in the body to reduce stress levels and regulate hormones. Adaptogens help the body achieve balance and homeostasis by normalizing the body’s response to stress. Although the word is relatively new, this concept has been used throughout Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda for centuries.


Simply put, adaptogens help our body adapt. It increases our body and mind’s ability to handle physical, mental and emotional stress from both internal and external factors. It helps increase stamina, fight off fatigue, improve sleep, balance hormone levels, enhance immunity and stabilize our mood. Adaptogens also affect everyone’s body differently as they adapt to our needs. Adaptogens range from plants like lucuma, herbs like ginseng and ashwagandha, and fungi like reishi mushroom.


While it seems like the concept of adaptogens is complicated, adaptogens can help simplify our lives by lowering our stress levels and enhancing our overall health. As our mission at Just Add Water™ is to simplify self-care, we’ve included two powerful adaptogens to our powdered blend: lucuma and gelatinized maca.


Lucuma is a superpower superfruit from Peru that has traditionally been used to aid in fertility. It does so by balancing your hormones and creating an optimal environment for the body to have more energy and feel more vibrant.  Maca, also from Peru, helps boost energy, increase stamina, strengthen the immune system, support adrenal glands and stabilize your mood.  We use the gelatinized form since it’s easier on digestion.


As the first week of August is National Simplify Your Life Week, consider incorporating adaptogens into your life!


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